Introduction to Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is a very personal decision. Some women choose to get this surgery for aesthetic reasons, and others for medical reasons. Regardless of your choice, Dr. Collier Pace is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Greensboro, NC, and can help deliver the results you are looking for.

What is a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation is an alternative option for women who are looking for a relatively small increase in breast size and would prefer natural results. Fat transfer breast augmentation uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of your body and inject it into your breasts. There are no silicone implants or other synthetic materials used in the surgery. The overall effect of a fat transfer breast augmentation is to make the breast appear fuller and larger. Depending on your desired outcome of final cup size, in most cases, just a few hundred milliliters of fat will be inserted into the breasts to change the overall silhouette and cup size.

brunette woman leaning head back with white bra

What are the benefits of a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Pace has seen our Greensboro Fat transfer Breast Augmentation patients enjoy so many benefits from their procedure. In addition to being a natural way to enhance breast shape and size, additional benefits include:

  • Breasts have a natural look and feel
  • Enhanced cleavage in the areas that you want the most (we can place fat in customized locations)
  • Fat is removed from your belly, hips, back, legs, or arms, giving your body a leaner appearance
  • Clothing fits better
  • No risk of an implant hardening or rupturing
  • Will not require revision surgery every 10 – 15 years, unlike implants
  • Fat integrates into your native tissue, whereas implants will always be a foreign body

Who are the best candidates for the Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation procedure?

You might be a great candidate for a fat transfer breast augmentation if you are looking to make subtle changes to the size of your breasts, using the existing fatty tissue on your body. If you are looking to improve the shape and increase the size of your breasts, this also may be a good option for you, which you can discuss with Dr. Pace during your consultation session. For any major surgery that is performed to alter your physical appearance for aesthetic reasons, it is important to make this choice for yourself, not anyone else. Good candidates for a fat transfer breast augmentation have realistic goals in mind, have a generally healthy body image, and understand and weigh up the risks and benefits of this surgery.

What to Expect on the day of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Surgery

When you arrive at the surgical facility, Dr. Pace will walk you through the steps of the procedure and answer any final questions. Once you are ready, we will administer anesthesia to minimize your discomfort and alleviate any pain felt from the surgery.

Dr. Pace will begin the procedure with liposuction. The fat is harvested from one or more areas of your body, which is decided during your consultation, and prepared for augmentation. It’s processed to separate it from any undesirable materials. Once the fat is ready, it is placed into a cannula, and prepared for insertion. The now purified fat is injected at various points and density into your breasts to accommodate for where fat naturally processes out of the body. The amount of fat harvested and injected will compensate for this occurrence.

Once the procedure is complete, you will be taken into a recovery room for the anesthesia to wear off, where you will then be given instructions on post-operative healing and recovery once you leave our Greensboro practice.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Recovery

Before you leave our practice, you will be given a specialized support bra to wear throughout your recovery, to ensure proper healing without too much movement. You can expect to experience some bruising and swelling throughout the breast area. Dr. Pace will advise you to rest and avoid strenuous activity for the first two weeks, after which you may be able to do some very low-impact activities. We also recommend taking some time off work or regular commitments to give yourself ample time to heal, before resuming regular daily activities.

Why Choose Dr. Pace?

As a board-certified cosmetic and plastic surgeon with both the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), you are in good hands with Dr. Collier Pace. He is an expert in his industry, specializing in Aesthetic/Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery. With years of experience and a passion for helping you look and feel your best, there is no one else you should trust with your cosmetic needs in Greensboro, NC. Dr. Pace treats every patient as an individual and will work to ensure you are happy with your treatment plan and satisfied with your results. Dr. Pace is an active member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), which is one of the most prestigious Plastic Surgery societies in the US.

Dr. Pace sitting on a chair smiling.
Portrait of Dr. Pace at his practice in Greensboro. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Collier Pace | Greensboro Plastic Surgery.

Schedule your consultation

If you are interested in Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Greensboro, we encourage you to contact Greensboro Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation with Dr. Pace. You can call our office or use our website to request an appointment by filling out an online application. You can achieve beautiful, natural breasts and a slimmer body in the same surgery with breast augmentation with fat transfer!

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation FAQs

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Patient resources

At Greensboro Plastic Surgery, we believe that knowledge is power, which is why we are open and upfront about every aspect of your procedure. We have created a page to address any of your concerns and help you make the best decisions for you and your body. Please read through the materials below, and don’t hesitate to reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about what we can do for you.